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International workshop on fish health management: Accelerating awareness and capacity building in Southeast Asia


1-2 March 2012
Sarabia Manor Hotel and Convention Center, Iloilo City, Philippines

Organized by
SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department





Aquaculture is a major food producing sector in Southeast Asia, contributing 43% of the world’s supply. It is a major economic activity, which produces the main source of dietary protein for the expanding populations in the region. However, outbreaks of known and emerging  fish diseases continue to threaten aquaculture, bringing considerable economic losses worldwide.

Despite technical advances in the diagnosis, prevention & control of fish diseases worldwide, the status of fish health management in many countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) remains generally unsatisfactory. This suggests a lack of effective dissemination of available information to stakeholders. How best to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice will be the focus of the International Workshop on Fish Health Management with the theme Accelerating awareness and capacity building. The workshop will be held in Iloilo City, Philippines from 1 to 2 March 2012 organized by the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centr (SEAFDEC/AQD) with support from the Government of Japan Trust Fund.

Workshop objectives
  • To identify the issues and gaps towards accelerating awareness and capacity building on fish health management in Southeast Asia, particularly in small-holder farms in rural communities;
  • To provide updates on novel fish health management and progress of innovative researches to prevent devastating diseases; and,
  • To optimize the ability of both the fish health practitioners and aquaculturists to control fish disease outbreaks and improve the productivity through healthy and wholesome aquaculture.
The organizer

Since 2000, SEAFDEC/AQD been implementing regional fish disease projects funded by the Government of Japan Trust Fund (GOJ-TF). Phase I (2000-2004) of the project focused on development of fish disease inspection methodologies for artificially-bred seeds, especially on diagnosis and control of fish diseases. Phase II (2005-2009) focused on the development of fish disease surveillance system. The present Phase III (2010 to 2014) focuses on accelerating awareness and capacity-building in fish health management in Southeast Asia.

To date, SEAFDEC/AQD has organized three international workshops: (1) “Disease control in fish and shrimp aquaculture in Southeast Asia – diagnosis and husbandry techniques” in collaboration with the Office International des Epizootics (OIE) in Iloilo City, Philippines (2001); (2) “Meeting on the current status of transboundary fish diseases in Southeast Asia: occurrence, surveillance, research and training” in Manila, Philippines (2004); and (3)  “SEAFDEC international workshop on emerging fish diseases in Asia” in Bangkok, Thailand (2007). The proceedings of the third workshop has been published in in 2009 as Vol. 61, Number 3 (2009) of the Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh.

Call for papers

There will be two technical sessions in the workshop:

I. Accelerating awareness in fish health management through capacity building

II. Innovative research and novel diagnostic techniques for fish pathogens.

Papers may be contributed in these areas for either oral or poster presentation. Please see guidelines below.

Invited plenary speakers & country representatives

SEAFDEC/AQD will invite scientists and experts for the plenary talks for each of the two technical sessions.

Experts from SEAFDEC member countries e.g. Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam will also be invited.

Participants and registration fee

SEAFDEC/AQD invites interested students and faculty, researchers, local government units, among other stakeholders, to attend and participate in the workshop. The registration fee which covers attendance to the workshop, kit, four snacks, two lunches and 1 dinner is as follows:

Category Before After
31 January 2012
International participant
Student USD 50 USD 75
Non-student USD 200 USD 250
Local (Philippine) participant
Student PhP 2,000 PhP 2,500
Non-student PhP 3,000 PhP 3,500

Download the registration form and also see  room rates of the venue.


For payment of registration fees, kindly refer to SEAFDEC/AQD’s bank details indicated below:

Beneficiary Name (Account Name): SEAFDEC/AQD
Beneficiary Address: Bgy. Buyu-an, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines
Bank: Bank of Commerce
Beneficiary Account No.: 023-21-000001-1
Bank Swift Code: PABIPHMM
Branch: Iznart Branch
Bank No. (Account No.): 36048823
Bank Address: Iznart St., Iloilo City, Philippines
Routing No.: Citibank Routing No. 021000089


Abstract preparation and submission
  1. Abstracts must be written in English. The content should include objectives, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.
  2. Abstract must be in one page of MS-Word format with 2.5 cm margins on all sides of A4 paper.
    • Title Font: Times New Roman, 14 points, lower case, bold and single line spacing.
    • Authors: Names of all authors should be provided. Presenting author’s name should be in bold and underlined. Use Times New Roman, 12 points, italics.
    • Affiliation: All author’s address, and presenting author’s e-mail must be in Times New Roman, 10 point, single line spacing
    • Abstract text: Maximum number of words to be restricted to 350. Text should be left and right margin justified. Use Times New Roman, 12 point, single line spacing, paragraph to be separated by a blank line and not to be indented.  All scientific names must be italicized
  3. Upon submission, the participant should indicate presentation type and preferred technical session.
  4. SEAFDEC/AQD reserves the right to determine the final assignment of papers for oral or poster presentation. Abstract should be sent in not later than 01 December 2011 to Dr. Ma. Michelle D. Peñaranda ( or Mr. Demy D. Catedral  ( The deadline for the  submission of abstracts has been extended to 15 January 2012.
  5. Corresponding authors will be notified of abstract acceptance and type of presentation on 10 January 2012.


For poster presentation, poster size: 36″ x 48″; font size: visible to the naked eye from a distance of 2 meters.


SEAFDEC/AQD tour of facilities

Interested participants may join a guided tour of the Tigbauan Main Station in Tigbauan, Iloilo. Please notify the workshop secretariat upon registration. An additional fee of USD 10 will be charged for the guided tour.


SEAFDEC/AQD welcomes interested companies/organizations to sponsor the various activities planned for the workshop. Sponsorship will benefit the company/organization by:

  • Promoting and introducing their products/services to the audience during oral session;
  • Exhibiting space to showcase their products/services at the poster session hall;
  • Meeting and networking with interested, international audience;
  • Placing of information/brochures they wish to provide inside the workshop kit;
  • Acknowledging the company/organization by inclusion in all literatures and promotional material;
  • Providing a complimentary registration for one person.

Companies/Organizations interested to sponsor are requested to contact: Dr. Leobert de la Peña at Telephone +63 33 5119171 and/or email:

Organizing committee

The SEAFDEC/AQD organizing committee includes: Chairman Dr. Teruo Azuma; Co-chairpersons Dr. Edgar Amar and Dr. Rolando Pakingking, Jr;  Members Dr. Leobert de la Peña, Dr. Ma. Michelle Peñaranda, Ms. Gregoria Erazo-Pagador, Ms. Eleonor Alapide-Tendencia, Mr. Demy Catedral, and Ms. Kaylin Corre.

Updates and inquiries

Updates will be posted at the AQD website For inquiries, please contact the workshop secretariat:

Ms. Gregoria Pagador
Fish Health Section
SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department
Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines
Phone: (63) 33-5119171
Fax: (63) 33-5119070

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