Monday , 16 September 2024

Accelerated Techno-transfer

Practical demonstration of catfish induced spawning at Kabacan, North Cotabato


There is a weak linkage between the scientific development of aquaculture technologies and the fish farmers

Decades of research has been invested in the development of new or improved aquaculture technologies and numerous publications have been written. However, the gap remains between these scientific endeavors and the uplifting of the aquaculture industry, especially in the part of marginalized fish farmers.

Scientific findings at SEAFDEC/AQD have always undergone verification trials in the field and technologies always packaged to be farmer-friendly. Further, information materials and training courses have been made available to stakeholders. However, a more intentional approach is needed to capacitate the grassroots and bridge gaps due to geographic distance, financial incapacity to avail of trainings, or level of education.

It is hoped that a more determined push to accelerate techno-transfer will improve livelihoods and contribute to uplifting local economies.


Accelerate techno-transfer of mature aquaculture technologies through techno-caravans and field demonstrations.


  • 209,058 fisherfolk are engaged in aquaculture activities in 20181
  • Higher level of education among aquafarmers has been linked to higher farming efficiency2
1BFAR Online Information System 2018
2Dey, MM, FJ Paraguas, GS Bimbao, PB Regaspi. 2000.Technical efficiency of tilapia grow out pond operations in the Philippines. Aquaculture Economics and Management 4(1/2): 33-47

What has SEAFDEC/AQD been doing? (2019-2020)

Joint Mission for Accelerated Nationwide Technology Transfer Program-II

In collaboration with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), techno-caravans, field demonstrations, and hands-on training courses were conducted in different areas in the Philippines.

Field evaluation of BFAR’s national aquaculture centers and regional stations were done to identify appropriate technologies for demonstration. This technology transfer will provide fish farmers, entrepreneurs, and other end-users access to additional and alternative livelihood.

This JMANTTP-II program was designed to intensify the techno-transfer of mature aquaculture technologies to stakeholders towards accelerated fish production and export revenues from the aquaculture sector. It is hoped that these will provide additional and alternative livelihood to fisherfolks through aquaculture technologies that are sustainable, economically viable, environment-friendly, and socially equitable.

On-site trainings conducted in collaboration with DA-BFAR
Course, date, venue Commodity focus Total participants Participant profile
Freshwater aquaculture training course
25-28 February 2019
University of Southern Mindanao Kabacan, Cotabato Province
tilapia, milkfish,
giant freshwater prawn, catfish
68 Fishpond owners, farmers, and operators from Region 12
Marine aquaculture of high-value species training course
20-22 May 2019
Tacloban City, Leyte Province
sea bass, 
64 Training officers and fish growers from Region 8
Milkfish training course
15-18 October 2019
National Mariculture Center, Panabo City, Davao del Norte Province
milkfish 40 Milkfish farm operators, technicians, LGU staff, BFAR staff
On-site training course on freshwater aquaculture
1-3 July 2020
Zarraga, Iloio
giant freshwater prawn, catfish, tilapia 50 Fish farmers, LGU staff, BFAR staff
On-site training at Kabacan, Cotabato Province in Feb. 2019. Practical activities on catfish spawning shown on opposite page.
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