Tuesday , 14 January 2025


To develop and strengthen the capacities of the aquaculture sector, science-based aquaculture technologies generated through years of research and verification process are translated into training packages to facilitate adoption by stakeholders.

Short-term Trainings

Regular Training

These courses are conducted yearly with some courses having funding support from the Government of Japan Trust Fund (GOJ-TF) in the form of Fellowship Grants.

[See schedule]

Specialized or Client-Driven Training

Group or individual training courses conducted to cater to the specific needs of the requesting party. Trainees or requesting agencies are charged training fees to cover the training cost that includes training materials, honoraria for lecturers, transportation expenses for field trips, accommodation and in some cases, daily subsistence allowance.

On-Site Training

Upon request, training may be conducted in specified places, such as private farms or communities, to cater the needs of the requesting party.

Online Distance Learning Course

An e-learning course where knowledge and skills are imparted to learners through internet-based discussion board. Distance learning is convenient, economical and practical for a learner to acquire knowledge and skills at his/her own place and time.

On-Site Season Long Training

This consists of a series of training modules on various aquaculture production aspects conducted monthly for 2 days in the selected site to enable project recipients to learn as much technical knowledge and skills by exposing them to actual culture practices from site selection, pond preparation, fabrication and construction of ponds, cages or pens, and stocking until harvest.

On-the-Job Training (OJT) for Students

The training program is designed for graduating students in fisheries and related fields to satisfy a school requirement for graduation. The objective of this program is to provide students with practical knowledge and skills in aquaculture to supplement their theoretical orientation in school by assisting in ongoing research and verification studies at AQD and in other stations

Internship Training

This program caters to out-of-school youths, new graduates and private individuals who would like to acquire the needed knowledge and expertise on specific area of interest in preparation for seeking a job or running a personal aquaculture enterprise.

Arranged Tours

A group is catered by providing an itinerary that includes lectures on specific aquaculture commodities and site/station visits depending on the needs of the requesting party. The  requesting agencies, mostly from the government, academe or NGOs, are charged fees to cover cost that includes honoraria for lecturers, transportation expenses for the trips, accommodation and in some cases, meals of the participants.

For more information, please contact:

Training Section
Training and Information Division
Tel No.: (6333) 330 7033; Fax No.: (6333) 330 7031
Email: training@seafdec.org.ph

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