Tuesday , 15 October 2024

AQD trains BFAR on five technologies

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Participants of the Training of trainers on abalone hatchery and grow-out sample abalone juveniles. Meanwhile, three special trainees from the Maldives Food & Drug Authority (inset) attended a short-term training course and study tour on aquaculture from 24 to 30 May 2011. Their activities were financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

AQD completed the five training courses intended to enhance and strengthen the capacity and capability of BFAR’s regional fisheries training centers in aquaculture. The “Training of trainers on hatchery and nursery of selected aquaculture species” was attended by a total of 98 training center staff coming from Aparri, Albay, Samar, Cebu, Palawan, Zamboanga and Davao. The first batch was trained on abalone (29 March to 18 April), the second on seaweeds (26 April to 10 May), the third on sandfish (4 to 17 May), the fourth on marine fish (19 May to 24 June) and the fifth on mud crab (27 June to 19 July).

The courses were held at AQD’s Tigbauan Main Station and Dumangas Brackishwater Station in Iloilo. AQD resource persons lectured on topics such as seed production, nursery & grow-out, and economic evaluation. Moreover, the participants had practical demonstrations on larval rearing as well as  microalgae / Artemiaculture and feeding.

BFAR and AQD funded the training of trainers under an agreement signed in early 2011.

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