by Development Communication
AQD Associate Researcher Ms. Sheryll Avanceña attended the Northeastern Asian( NEA) and Asian Heads of Research Councils (ASIAHORCs) Joint Symposium on Chemical Biology from 9 to 10 November 2015 in Okinawa, Japan. The aim of the symposium is to foster young researcher from different countries who share common research topics and establish networks.
Ms. Avanceña presented her study on “Improved growth performance of Gracilariopsis heteroclada through short-term nitrogen enrichment”. The result of her study suggests that the short-term nitrogen enrichment method could be an alternative culture strategy to increase Gracilariopsis heteroclada production and lower farming costs.
Prior to attending the symposium, she also gave a presentation together with AQD Scientist Dr. Mae Catacutan and Associate Scientist Dr. Frolan Aya at the 5th International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia (ICAI) 2015 held October 29 to 31, 2015 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The studies presented include: (1) “Abdominal segment deformity disease (ASDD) syndrome and fused body segment deformity (FBSD) in cultured Penaeus indicus” by Ms. Avancena; (2) “Silver therapon Leiopotherapon plumbeus (Perciformes: Terapontidae) larvae survive better in ambient lake water with Terminalia Cattapa leaves as substrate” by Dr. Aya and (3) “Digestability and effective level of meat and bone meal in practical formulated diet for milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal in freshwater” by Dr. Catacutan.
The ICAI 2015 featured plenary and technical sessions covering aspects of the latest technological advances and research results in aquaculture around Indonesia, the Asia Pacific and other countries.