Wednesday , 18 September 2024

New unique identifiers for e-publications

By Development Communication Section

A book publisher like SEAFDEC/AQD would need to apply for new unique codes for its e-publications. This was conveyed by the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) when it briefed stakeholders in the publishing industry during the “Forum on numbering systems (ISBN, ISSN, ISMN) vis-à-vis digital publications” held in Manila on 7 March. NLP also noted that:

(1)    the ISBN or international standard book number is now a 13-digit code and that ISBNs will be issued separately for a book in (a) its print form or hardcopy, (b) its e-book version for posting online, and (c) its enhanced e-version which could have video and other links

(2)    for an e-book, ISBN is issued separately for each (a) file format  like .epub, .mobi, .kf8, .ibook, .pdf; and (b) digital rights management, that is, if copying, printing, loaning, or purchasing is allowed

(3)    ISSN for serial publications will remain the same for all remotely-accessed digital versions of the same work

(4)    ISMN for music sheets is new and can now be issued

 ISBN/ISSN/ISMNs are global unique identifiers for materials and are the basis for generating directories, catalogs, and related tools in book production, logistics / statistics and management. These are issued by NLP, the official registry in the country, in compliance with the ASEAN common market policy.

More than 60 representatives from publishing houses, book aggregators and retailers attend the forum; development communication head Ms. MT Castanos attends for AQD. Resource persons include librarian Ms. Jennifer Dimasaca and information technology specialist Mr. Edgardo Quiros; they note that around 20% of published work now have online or e-versions
More than 60 representatives from publishing houses, book aggregators and retailers attend the forum; development communication head Ms. MT Castanos attends for AQD. Resource persons include librarian Ms. Jennifer Dimasaca and information technology specialist Mr. Edgardo Quiros; they note that around 20% of published work now have online or e-versions

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