By Development Communication Section / F Aya
The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department conducted its 3rd session of the Special Training Course on Freshwater Prawn (Ulang) Hatchery and Grow-out Operations from September 8-10, 2014 at the Binangonan Freshwater Station, Binangonan, Rizal. A total of eight participants attended the said training, with six local participants and two from Brunei Darussalam.
The 5-day training course included both lectures and practicals wherein the participants were taught the biology and reproduction of giant freshwater prawn; natural food production; larval management; feed preparation and feeding; health and disease management; nursery and grow-out culture in tanks, ponds and cages; rice-prawn integrated farming; design of tanks, cages and ponds and fabrication of fish farm implements; as well as the economics and feasibility of freshwater prawn aquaculture.
During the closing ceremony, the trainees were very thankful to the resource persons for generously imparting their knowledge and expertise on the culture of this high value species. They were also grateful to the BFS staff for the kind assistance extended to them while at SEAFDEC/AQD. The training also gave the trainees the opportunity to build friendships among themselves and for networking as well. Trainees from Brunei Darusssalam, who admitted it is their first time to travel to the Philippines, are looking forward to attend another fruitful training course at SEAFDEC/AQD. A local trainee, however, felt that he needs to learn more about the culture of “ulang” and intends to come back for internship training. The tour around fish cages and pens of milkfish and other freshwater fish species in Laguna de Bay and visit to some historical places in Manila such as Fort Santiago capped the 5-day training course.