Sunday , 8 September 2024

On freshwater helminths

(L-R) Dr. Misako Urabe of the University of Shiga Prefecture in Japan (viewing the microscope) teaches parasite morphology and life cycle, among others to trainees from AQD, Aklan State University and Western Institute Technology. Participants collect and examine samples from Taal Lake

Offered by the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, from 9 to 13 September, the “Certificate course on fish parasitology” was successfully completed by AQD researcher Ms. Gregoria Pagador and senior technical assistant Mr. Joseph Faisan Jr.

These two research staff joined the course to enhance their capabilities in detecting and indentifying fish parasites as the course taught host-parasite relationship, helminth life cycles, possible ecological interactions and the potential effects in the public health.

AQD researcher Ms. Gregoria Pagador and senior technical assistant Mr. Joseph Faisan Jr

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