Tuesday , 17 September 2024

SEAFDEC/AQD library Bangkok takeover

By Development Communication Section

AQD librarian and senior information assistant Mr. Stephen Alayon  (second from right) after his presentation at CONSUL XI
AQD librarian and senior information assistant Mr. Stephen Alayon
(second from right) after his presentation at CONSAL XVI

AQD senior information assistant Mr. Stephen Alayon attended two seminars in Bangkok – a leadership workshop & librarian conference – from 8 until 13 June 2015.

Mr. Alayon, one of the 20 selected participants from 10 ASEAN countries, participated in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ (IFLA) Building Strong Library Association Workshop: ‘Leadership Workshop for young promising librarians to build stronger library association in ASEAN countries.’  It is a two-day workshop that aims to: (1) strengthen cooperation among libraries and information centers in Southeast Asian countries; (2) improve ASEAN resource sharing; and (3) introduce new library technologies, trends and innovations. It was organized by the Brunei Darussalam Library Association, Thai Library Association and the IFLA regional office for Asia and Oceania.

He also attended the 16th Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL XVI) where he presented a paper entitled, “For the record: the fate of libraries and records offices in the Visayas, Philippines devastated by the Typhoon Haiyan.” The paper describes the extent of damages of selected academic libraries and government offices in Eastern and Western Visayas months after the disaster. It also identified the recovery, restoration and conservation initiatives done by librarians, archivists, records officers, office managers and volunteers. Mr. Alayon and his co-authors recommended the training of librarians, staff and other stakeholders responsible for the management of institutional records and applying a disaster management plan to minimize the risks in the future.

Mr. Alayon (far right, in pink) during the CONSUL XI ‘Thai Night’
Mr. Alayon (far right, in pink) during the CONSAL XVI ‘Thai Night’

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