By Development Communication Section / F Aya
SEAFDEC/AQD’s Freshwater Station in Binangonan, Rizal held the Special Training Course on Catfish Hatchery and Grow-out Operations on October 13-17, 2014. It was attended by eight participants from Brunei Darussalam, Sudan and the Philippines. The trainees came from various disciplines such as medicine, engineering, education, and fisheries and aquaculture.
The 5-day training course, which is offered once a year, provided the participants with technical knowledge and skills on the biology, hatchery, nursery and grow-out culture of catfishes. The specific topics taught during the training include the breeding, hatchery and nursery techniques, site selection and water quality management, natural food production, design and fabrication of net cages, nutrition and feeding of catfish, innovative techniques for improved survival of catfishes in grow-out and aquaculture economics. Each lecture topic was followed by a practical session.
After the awarding of certificates, the trainees said they were thankful to SEAFDEC/AQD’s resource persons for the technical information on catfish culture. Most of them, especially the catfish growers, admitted they are happy and ready to produce their own seeds after learning the hatchery techniques at AQD. Hatchery production of catfish fry will help catfish growers sustain their operations.
Foreign participants visited some historical places in Manila which capped the 5-day training.