Saturday , 7 September 2024

For the mangroves!

mangrove training_trainees group pic
The 2013 mangroves trainees

By Development Communication

Twenty-two trainees successfully completed the course on mangrove conservation, management and rehabilitation held 7-22 November at SEAFDEC/AQD’s Tigbauan Main Station. The trainees had undergone a series of lectures that covers the vast subject of mangroves from its biology & taxonomy to community’s roles in its conservation & rehabilitation. There were practical exercises such as species identification and outplanting, and site visits.

The trainees are mainly from local government units (LGUs), provincial environmental management offices (PEMOs) and people’s organization (POs) who, at the end of the course, assured the resource persons that they will replicate the techniques of initiating a mangrove plantation in their respective places.

The course is part of the agreement between AQD and ZSL (Zoological Society of London) to pool resources and technical expertise to attain the vision of conserving the mangroves through community-based groups. It was funded by the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), a German development organization.

Mangrove species identification activity in Ibajay ecopark. Outplanting of mangrove at a rehabilitated pond at Leganes

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