Wednesday , 18 September 2024

AQD gives update on freshwater prawn

AQD scientist Dr. Ma. Lourdes Aralar gives two plenary talks on the giant freshwater prawn (left). Dr. ML Aralar (sitting, right) with participants from Tra Vinh University in Vietnam and Bicol University

SEAFDEC/AQD scientist Dr. Ma. Lourdes Aralar was invited by the Southern Leyte State University (SLSU) – Bontoc Campus to be a plenary speaker in the First international giant freshwater prawn congress held 9-11 January in Southern Leyte, Philippines.

Dr. Aralar presented her two papers on Freshwater prawn industry in Asia and Recent developments in the cage culture of the giant freshwater prawn. She also served as judge during the research paper competition.

At the congress, she met several alumni of AQD’s training course on giant freshwater prawn. One of them was SLSU’s Mr. Oligario Adesna who said that based on his AQD training, he was able to successfully rehabilitate and upgrade the university’s ulang hatchery.  SLSU is now producing PL (post larvae) for its own needs and for grow-out clients.

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