Thursday , 16 January 2025

Two trainees from Tonga finished milkfish course

By Development Communication Section

Mr. Tuiano practices water and soil analysis at AQD laboratory
Mr. Tuiano practices water and soil analysis at AQD laboratory

Two staff from Tonga’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Forests and Fisheries (MAFFF) successfully finished a special course on ‘Milkfish farm management and operations’ from 28 January – 11 February at AQD’s Tigbauan Main Station.

MAFFF’s Principal Fisheries officer Mr. Poasi Fale Ngaluafe and Senior Fisheries assistant Mr. Tonga Latu Tuiano joined lectures on broodstock management and spawning techniques; production of natural food organisms for fish larvae; and larval and nursery rearing techniques as well as practical sessions on fry collection, stock sampling, monitoring and harvest.­

The trainees also visited farms that practice intensive (Hautea Milkfish Farm), traditional (Bermejo Milkfish Farm), modular (Capiz State University Farm) and integrated (Roxas City Integrated Farm) methods through the study tour.

The trainees were funded by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Mr. Ngalaufe (middle) learns about pond preparation from AQD’s Dumangas Brackishwater Station staff
Mr. Ngalaufe (middle) learns about pond preparation from AQD’s Dumangas Brackishwater Station staff
Trainees with AQD Chief Dr. Felix Ayson (sitting in white), resource persons and training staff
Trainees with AQD Chief Dr. Felix Ayson (sitting in white), resource persons and training staff

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