By Development Communication Section / R. Bombeo
SEAFDEC/AQD in collaboration with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) held a Training of trainers on ASEAN Shrimp Good Aquaculture Practices for shrimp farmers of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines East Asian Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) on 25 May – 5 June at AQD’s main station in Tigbauan, Iloilo.
The course which was funded by BFAR, focused on four modules namely (1) food safety and quality, (2) animal health welfare, (3) environmental integrity, and (4) socio-economic aspects. It covered lectures on the concept of sustainable aquaculture; management of shrimp broodstock, hatchery & grow-out; site selection; feeds & feeding; physical, biological, & chemical hazards; microbial contamination & sanitation; and responsible use of chemicals, antibacterial agents & the withdrawal period of these chemicals. The trainees also visited shrimp ponds and hatcheries in Iloilo, Aklan and Negros Occidental.
The 22 participants who completed the course are from Brunei Darussalam (2), Indonesia (6), Malaysia (1), and the Philippines (13 BFAR technical staff). The activity aimed to strengthen the capacity of shrimp farmers of BIMP-EAGA. The ASEAN Shrimp GAP was developed in support of greater ASEAN harmonization of the aquaculture production sector, shrimp farming in particular, within the ASEAN region.
“I learned a lot of things from this course,” said Mr. Tiburcio C. Donaire, of BFAR region 7 and class chairman. He also expressed his gratitude to AQD for the full support to the program.