Tuesday , 17 September 2024

Seed production, disease detection and feed formulation courses

By Development Communication Section

SEAFDEC/AQD conducted three courses on catfish seed production (19-22 August), disease detection in marine fish & crustaceans (1-9 September) and feed formulation & feed evaluation for aquaculture species (1-5 September) at Tigbauan Main Station, Iloilo.

Nine trainees from the private sector attended the special training course for catfish seed production. A series of lectures and practical exercises were done to ehance the trainees skills and knowledge in various techniques for seed production like broodstock selection, hormone preparation & injection and egg incubation.

(Left) The catfish trainees weigh a female catfish for the computation of hormone dosage and and visit a private farm and hatchery at Zarraga, Iloilo
(Left) The catfish trainees weigh a female catfish for the computation of hormone dosage and and visit a private farm and hatchery at Zarraga, Iloilo

The course for disease detection in marine fish and crustaceans was by one government-funded intern from Saudi Arabia. This course was designed to provide the knowledge on the methods of detection of occurrence and surveillance of spread of diseases as well as skills in the prevention, treatment and control. The exercises spanned from the detection of major viral & bacterial diseases to histological techniques.

Trainee Mr. Abdulmohsen Ibrahim Alasous during laboratory exercises (collects blood and other organs from a pompano and prepares histological sections)
Trainee Mr. Abdulmohsen Ibrahim Alasous during laboratory exercises (collects blood and other organs from a pompano and prepares histological sections)

Due to the insuffient number of adequately trained researchers in aquaculture nutrition, the need of upgrading the researchers’ technical skills in this area is vital. Hence, the DOST’s Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) partnered with AQD to conduct a course on “feed formulation and feed evaluation for aquaculture species”. The training provides the participants (25 researchers from 10 colleges and universities) with the knowledge on nutrient requirements, feed preparation & other practical tools in feed evaluation. Also included in the course are lectures on feeding management and economics. A roster of top-caliber resource persons coming from AQD, University of the Philippines-Visayas and DOST-PCAARRD handled the lectures and practical exercises of this five-day course.

Trainees during feed formulation and feed milling practicals
Trainees during feed formulation and feed milling practicals
AQD scientist Dr. Relicardo Coloso explains explains preparation for grow-out diet
AQD scientist Dr. Relicardo Coloso explains explains preparation for grow-out diet
Trainees during the lectures at AQD’s Tigbauan Main Station conference room
Trainees during the lectures at AQD’s Tigbauan Main Station conference room

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