Tuesday , 17 September 2024

“Exceeds expectations”

Trainees applying their data gathering and photography skills during a study tour at AQD’s stations in Dumangas and Igang
Trainees applying their data gathering and photography skills during a study tour at AQD’s stations in Dumangas and Igang

By Development Communication Section

For 16 staff of DA-NFRDI (Department of Agriculture – National Fisheries Research & Development Institute), the 9-day Capacity building on information dissemination and data management organized 10-18 March by SEAFDEC/AQD exceeded their expectations. This was the overall consensus during the integration workshop on the last day where feedback was offered and discussed.

The course was requested from AQD under an agreement signed on 18 February 2014 because NFRDI plans on putting up a science documentation section within its program monitoring & evaluation division. NFRDI might tap their own research officers & assistants, information officers & programmers ~ the trainees ~ to comprise the group. The course primarily covered the skill set required of science writers like news writing, design & layout, photography, website & social network mechanics; and accessing published information found in library databases, among others.

With AQD providing training mainly on aquaculture technologies, this is the first time that a non-technical course was offered. The course for NFRDI was not the first session though; the first was conducted for SEAFDEC information officers in December 2011.

Trainees during one of the lectures; one of the workshop outputs
Trainees during one of the lectures; one of the workshop outputs
[Left-right] NFRDI Director Dr. Melchor Tayamen thanks AQD and says the two institutions has a strong partnership that must be continued; while AQD Chief Dr. Felix Ayson is glad AQD was able to serve the needs of NFRDI. At the integration workshop, NFRDI planning, monitoring & evaluation officer-in-charge Ms. Ma. Salvacion Ferrer said that two more courses may be requested from AQD as an offshoot of the course: (1) writing for science journals and (2) writing science features. AQD training & information head Dr. Evelyn Grace Ayson said that this is AQD’s first course where practically all lecturers came from AQD’s training & information division
Trainees and lecturers with NFRDI and AQD officials
Resource persons are from AQD’s development communication and library & data banking services sections. Iloilo Scholastic Academy teacher and photographer Mr. Rodgen Jabor (second row, leftmost) gives the lecture for photography
Resource persons are from AQD’s development communication and library & data banking services sections. Iloilo Scholastic Academy teacher and photographer Mr. Rodgen Jabor (second row, leftmost) gives the lecture for photography

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