SEAFDEC/AQD hosted the JIRCAS (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences) workshop on 9 October held at its Tigbauan Main Station in Iloilo, Philippines.
The workshop has about 30 participants from AQD, Fisheries Research Institute – Malaysia (FRI), Department of Fisheries Malaysia (DOF), KingMongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang in Thailand (KMITL), Fisheries Research Agency Japan (FRA), and JIRCAS. The workshop discussed the studies under JIRCAS’ research project “Development of aquaculture technologies for sustainable and equitable production of aquatic products in tropical coastal areas.” These studies with topics on integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, fishery management for blood cockles, co-culture system of giant tiger prawns were done in collaboration with AQD, FRI, and KMITL respectively.
AQD Chief Dr. Felix Ayson has a positive outlook in this collaboration. “It is AQD’s hope that this joint undertaking (AQD and JIRCAS)… will continue to become stronger as we work together towards the development of technologies for sustainable production of aquatic products that benefits the different sectors equitably,” was the Chief’s message as read by RD head Dr. Ma. Junemie Hazel Lebata-Ramos during the opening of the workshop.
In response, JIRCAS Program Director Dr. Masayoshi Saito expressed his gratitude to AQD. “I hope our cooperation is not only bilateral but multilateral… to get synergistic effects of its existing cooperation… it is then through this symposium we know more about each other and talk about further progression in the framework of our research project,” he added.
AQD Deputy Chief Dr. Teruo Azuma also shares the same views with Dr. Saito where he mentioned in his closing remarks, “…we are highly pleased to strengthen our collaboration towards the future through not only bilateral but multilateral relationship….” Dr. Azuma also mentioned that JIRCAS, AQD, and Government of Japan Trust Fund programs have a common goal, that is, sustainable aquaculture; hence working hand in hand makes it easier in achieving the goal.