Tuesday , 17 September 2024

AQD works on ASFA bibliographic database

By Development Communication Section
SEAFDEC/AQD’s senior information assistant Mr. Daryl Superio was in Bangkok, Thailand from 18 to 22 March to undergo training on “ASFA (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts) input procedures”. Mr. Superio along with five other participants attended lectures on bibliographic description, data entry, database installation and record importation and exportation.  The training was organized by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) to ensure the consistency of ASFA records by using standard cataloging, abstracting and indexing procedures.

ASFA is an international cooperative information system that includes an abstracting and indexing service covering the world’s literature in science & technology, management & conservation of marine, brackishwater & freshwater resources and environments. SEAFDEC Secretariat, thru the agreement signed by SEAFDEC Secretary-General Dr. Churmnarn Pongsri became an ASFA international partner; AQD is the collaborating center. AQD scientists and researchers can now have a free access on its in-house and online database. Not only that, it also provides a venue to promote AQD’s in-house publications to hundreds of ASFA subscribers around the world.

AQD’s senior information assistant Mr. Daryl Superio receives a certificate of training from (L-R) Dr. Thaithaworn Lirdwitayaprasit (Chair, Department of Marine Science, Chulalongkorn University), Ms. Helen Wibley (ASFA Editor-in-Chief and training instructor), Ms. Andrea Christiani (instructor), and Mr. Richard Pepe (instructor)
Mr. Superio with co-trainees and instructors at Chulalongkorn University Science Library

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