Tuesday , 17 September 2024

Angola? What is AQD doing there?

By Development Communication Section

Technical assistance. AQD’s ABOT AquaBusiness or Agree-build-operate-transfer program has gone beyond Southeast Asia to the African continent.  MicroTREND Enterprises of Luanda, Angola, requested AQD to assess the site of a proposed tilapia hatchery, nursery and grow-out operation in Quanza Norte. AQD sent researcher Mr. Dan Baliao from 4 to 10 June 2013, and he noted that:  “Aquaculture in Angola is small-scale and focused on inland freshwater aquaculture both by the communities and the private sector.”

The 10-ha Luanda site was found feasible, with a good freshwater source and some structures (eg. concrete gate) already in place. AQD’s recommended design of farm operations, Mr. Baliao further noted, is typical of a free-flowing impounded freshwater pond or reservoir for tilapia production in the Philippines. He suggested that, in addition to Oreochromis niloticus, an endemic African species, freshwater prawn can also be raised in the farm. Next to site evaluation is the implementation of farm improvement and cropping cycle plans.

AQD assesses the site of a proposed tilapia farm in Lucala, Angola. At right are the investor, local guide, and officers of MicroTREND Enterprises
AQD assesses the site of a proposed tilapia farm in Lucala, Angola. At right are the investor, local guide, and officers of MicroTREND Enterprises

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