Monday , 16 September 2024

AQD holds on-site training in Myanmar and Lao PDR

SEAFDEC/AQD organized two training activities to further expand the knowledge of fisheries extension officers. The first training was the International training course on mud crab culture held from 26 September to 01 October in Chaung Thar, Myanmar in collaboration with its Department of Fisheries (DOF). The second training was the On-site basic training on freshwater fish health management conducted from 11-14 October at Namxouang Aquaculture Development Center, Department of Livestock and Fisheries (NADC/DLF) in Lao PDR. Both activities were funded by the Government of Japan Trust Fund.

In Myanmar, six participants (Brunei, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar) and 11 observers mainly from Myanmar attended the said activity. AQD scientist Dr. Emilia Quinitio conducted a series of lectures which include: (1) biology of mud crab; (2) basic principles and procedures for managing mature crabs, rearing of zoea to crab instar stage, nursery and grow-out culture in ponds and pens in mangroves; (3) fattening and soft shell crab farming; (4) economic feasibility of the various culture systems; and (5) basic concepts of sustainable aquaculture. Meanwhile, AQD technical assistant Ms. Joana Joy de la Cruz-Huervana assisted the participants throughout the practical sessions. AQD Deputy Chief Dr. Teruo Azuma graced the closing ceremony.

In Lao PDR, AQD scientist Dr. Rolando Pakingking and AQD researcher Ms. Gregoria Pagador conducted lectures and practical activities to ten participants and ten observers from the staff of DLF and other private farms. The training aimed to provide the participants with theoretical and practical knowledge on (1) signs and epizootiologies of economically-important freshwater fish diseases; (2) evaluation of fish epizooties; (3) submission of diseased fish samples for diagnosis; and (4) basic laboratory skills for detection of viral, bacterial and parasitic pathogens. A close observation on the zonotic parasites on different freshwater fish was likewise executed on 15-16 October in Vientianne, Lao PDR. Additionally, AQD scientist Dr. Edgar Amar conducted a survey at Namxouang to determine the state of fish health management in small-holder aquaculture farms. The activity was part of AQD and GOJ’s project in accelerating fish health management awareness and capacity building in Southeast Asia.

(Clockwise from topleft): The participants, resource speakers, and DOF staff & officers during the closing ceremony held at the DOF office in Yangon, Myanmar; AQD scientist Dr. Emilia Quinitio (2nd from right) demonstrates removal of spent female crab, collection, and counting of newly-hatched zoeae; fish health management trainees dissect the freshwater fish for parasite detection; officers and staff of NADC/DLF together with AQD’s Dr. Edgar Amar and Dr. Rolando Pakingking (3rd & 4th from left, 1st row), and Ms. Gregoria Pagador (4th from right, 1st row)

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