Tuesday , 21 January 2025

AQD calls for papers on fish health

SEAFDEC/AQD, with support from the Government of Japan Trust Fund, addresses the poor status of fish health management in many Southeast Asian countries by organizing the International workshop on fish health management: Accelerating awareness and capacity building in Southeast Asia, scheduled on 1-2 March 2012 at the Sarabia Manor Hotel & Convention Center in Iloilo City, Philippines.

Through inputs from invited scientists & experts, the workshop aims to discuss the knowledge-practice issues & gaps in fish health management in Southeast Asia, particularly in small-holder farms in rural communities. It will likewise be venue to keep the stakeholders up-to-date with novel diagnostic techniques and innovative researches on disease prevention. Finally, the workshop’s outputs will serve as basis for optimizing the ability of both fish health practitioners & aquaculturists in controlling fish disease outbreaks and improving productivity through healthy & wholesome aquaculture.

Papers are invited in the following areas: (1) Accelerating awareness in fish health management through capacity building, and (2) Innovative research and novel diagnostic techniques for fish pathogens. Submissions are either for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be sent in not later than 1 December 2011 to Dr. Ma. Michelle Peñaranda (mmpenaranda@seafdec.org.ph) or Mr. Demy Catedral (ddcatedral@seafdec.org.ph). Corresponding authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by 10 January 2012.

To date, SEAFDEC/AQD has organized three international workshops: (1) Disease control in fish and shrimp aquaculture in Southeast Asia – diagnosis and husbandry techniques in collaboration with the Office International des Epizootics (OIE) in Iloilo City, Philippines (2001); (2) Meeting on the current status of transboundary fish diseases in Southeast Asia: occurrence, surveillance, research and training in Manila, Philippines (2004); and (3) SEAFDEC international workshop on emerging fish diseases in Asia in Bangkok, Thailand (2007). The proceedings of the third workshop has been published in 2009 as Volume 61, Number 3 of the Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh.

For more information and guidelines on the call for papers, visit SEAFDEC Philippines’ announcement on said international workshop at: http://www.seafdec.org.ph/2011/intl-workshop-fish-health-mgmt/. You may also contact the workshop secretariat, Ms. Gregoria Pagador, through email: gepagador@seafdec.org.ph or phone: +63 33 5119171 for inquiries.

AQD's fish health R&D and information dissemination
(Clockwise from top left) AQD developed a formalin-inactivated vaccine for viral nervous necrosis (VNN) in fishes in 2009; AquaHealth Online, AQD’s distance learning via the internet, was offered to the public; the second edition of the textbook, Health Management in Aquaculture, included new chapters on histology, probiotics, and epidemiology; Courses on fish health management are conducted in SEAFDEC member countries

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